This disk is a collection of some of the better games in the PC-SIG library. All games run on the PCjr (though you may have to type "mode co80" first). GAMES TXT Comments from the person who selected these programs CASTLE EXE Find your way out of the castle and get treasures, kill monsters CASTLE RAN Part of CASTLE game SPACEVAD EXE+ Shoot invaders before they invade earth PACKMAN EXE+ Gobble power pellets and eat monsters PACKMAN DOC Documentation for PACKMAN.EXE BREAKOUT BAS+ Try to break out of a brick wall, like tennis LANDER BAS+ Land a space ship on a pad without crashing LANDER BIN Part of LANDER LANDER SCR Part of LANDER BUGS EXE Shoot crawling creatures before they get you BUGS! SCR Part of BUGS LIFE2 EXE Try to make your bacteria live LIFE2 BAS Source code for LIFE2 WIZARD BAS A role game to find the ORB of ZOT XWING BAS+ Try to destroy the deathstar FILES TXT Files on this disk